Surya Namaskar
Practicing the Sun Salutation outdoors, facing the sun is still thought to be the most beneficial way to perform the routine as, according to "Yoga News,"
the sun's early morning rays nourish the entire endocrine system
Legs Together, Palms Together
inhale deeply…OM.. !
Chaint mantra with it-“Hiranmayen patren satyasaya pihitam mukham,
5. Inhale sit back,relax,buttocks to the heels.

11. Exhale fold forward .
Asana Name -Pada Hasta-asana(Standing forward bend).
Chaint Mantra with asana -“Om Rahhaum Arkaya namah(Ultimate source of energy)”.
Meaning of Mantra -The radiant.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar
Helps lose weight-Sunaina says, ‘when done at a fast pace, Surya Namaskar can give you an excellent cardiovascular workout helping you to lose weight. The postures will help stretch your abdominal muscles while helping you shed pounds around your belly. The movements will also help in improving your metabolism.
Helps strengthen muscles and joints-Surya Namaskar offers you a good way to stretch and strengthen your muscles, joints, ligament, as well as the skeletal system. The movements can also help improve the flexibility of your spine. When you perform the postures, your limbs become symmetrical helping your internal vital organs to function better.
Gives glowing skin-Surya namaskar improves your blood circulation that aids in bringing back the glow on your face, preventing the onset of wrinkles, making your skin look ageless and radiant.
Ensures a better functioning digestive system-The sun salutation will help in the smooth running of your digestive system. These yoga poses will help increase the blood flow to your digestive tract resulting in better functioning of the intestines. The forward bend pose will help increase your abdomen space which will aid in releasing the trapped gases from your system.
Helps cope with insomnia-You can improve your sleeping patterns by the practise of surya namaskar. The asanas will help calm your mind, giving you a good night’s sleep. This will ensure that you do not resort to drugs to give you a restful sleep.
Ensures regular menstrual cycle-Surya Namaskar can also be beneficial for women who are suffering from irregular menstrual cycles as it helps regulate it. Regular practice of the movements can also help in easy childbirth.
Brings down blood sugar levels-According to our expert, the movements of the sun salutation also aid in bringing down your blood sugar levels and help keep heart diseases at bay.
Keeps anxiety at bay-It helps improve your memory and nervous system and also helps calm you down and get rid of anxiety. It normalizes the activity of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland.
Helps detox-Due to the active inhalation and exhalation process, the lungs are thoroughly ventilated and the blood remains oxygenated. This also helps in detoxifying one’s body by getting rid of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.
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Helps strengthen muscles and joints-Surya Namaskar offers you a good way to stretch and strengthen your muscles, joints, ligament, as well as the skeletal system. The movements can also help improve the flexibility of your spine. When you perform the postures, your limbs become symmetrical helping your internal vital organs to function better.
Gives glowing skin-Surya namaskar improves your blood circulation that aids in bringing back the glow on your face, preventing the onset of wrinkles, making your skin look ageless and radiant.
Ensures a better functioning digestive system-The sun salutation will help in the smooth running of your digestive system. These yoga poses will help increase the blood flow to your digestive tract resulting in better functioning of the intestines. The forward bend pose will help increase your abdomen space which will aid in releasing the trapped gases from your system.
Helps cope with insomnia-You can improve your sleeping patterns by the practise of surya namaskar. The asanas will help calm your mind, giving you a good night’s sleep. This will ensure that you do not resort to drugs to give you a restful sleep.
Ensures regular menstrual cycle-Surya Namaskar can also be beneficial for women who are suffering from irregular menstrual cycles as it helps regulate it. Regular practice of the movements can also help in easy childbirth.
Brings down blood sugar levels-According to our expert, the movements of the sun salutation also aid in bringing down your blood sugar levels and help keep heart diseases at bay.
Keeps anxiety at bay-It helps improve your memory and nervous system and also helps calm you down and get rid of anxiety. It normalizes the activity of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland.
Helps detox-Due to the active inhalation and exhalation process, the lungs are thoroughly ventilated and the blood remains oxygenated. This also helps in detoxifying one’s body by getting rid of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.
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